Appsero User Guide
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  4. Adding A Free Plugin/Theme
  5. Adding a Free Plugin

Appsero User Guide

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  3. Appsero User Guide
  4. Adding A Free Plugin/Theme
  5. Adding a Free Plugin

Adding a Free Plugin

You can add a free plugin using Appsero. Here are the steps.

Basic Information

To add a new plugin, click on the Add New button. There you will find two options “Add Plugin” and “Add Theme“. Click on the “Add Plugin” button.

As you are adding a free plugin, click on the “No,it’s Free Plugin” button.

If you have the plugin on the WordPress repository already, just add the Slug/URL of that plugin. Click on Submit to finish. Appsero will automatically fetch all the information.

But, there is also an alternative way. Hit the Manual Entry button to enter all the details manually.

Next, there two things. If you add the slug of your plugin then Appsero will automatically fetch all the details from

But, if you hit the Manual Entry button, then you will have to enter all the details by yourself.

Here are the fields that need to be fulfilled.

Available Fields

Plugin NameYesThe name of the plugin.
SlugYesThe slug of the plugin. It will be generated automatically but you can change it. Note that you will not be able to update it later.
VersionYesThe version of the plugin. You will be able to add a new version at the time of release.
Requires PHP VersionYesRequires PHP Version for the plugins.
Requires WordPress VersionYesWordPress version requires for the plugin.
Tested up toYesThe maximum version of WordPress the plugin has been tested.
Homepage URLNoWebsite URL of the plugin. Put Website URL based on the hosted store. Put URL of the plugin, if it is hosted on
Demo URLNoDemo site URL of the plugin.
DescriptionNoGive a description of the plugin. This field is markdown supported.


Now onto the Licensing part. You can connect your Github/Bitbucket account. If you want to push updates from your Git account, it’s recommended to connect these accounts with Appsero.

  • GitHub
  • BitBucket
  • Gitlab (Upcoming)

You can choose to connect your account with GitHub or Bitbucket.

When you click on the Github’s “Connect“, you will get a pop-up. There you can Enable push to Deploy, and fill up your Git Repository and the Branch.

In the next step, Appsero will offer you to connect your account.

You are done with your Licensing.

If you skip or forget to connect to any of these platforms, you can easily do that from the Integrations section.

Get Started

After, Adding a plugin and Licensing now it is your turn to get started.

You will find an Installation Method section. You need to install an Appsero-Client plugin. You can do that in two ways.

  • Composer
  • Manual Installation

In the case of Composer, you need to use these below commands.

In the case of Composer, you need to use these below commands.

But in the case of Manual Installation, you need to clone the Appsero Client to your project folder.

Download/clone the repo from Github to your root plugin folder.

Lastly, copy the Code Snippet into your main plugin file. Click Done to finish.

In the end, you will find your plugin in the Plugins section.

You have added a free plugin!

Congratulations 🎉 the plugin has been successfully added to Appsero. Read more about the Appsero Client documentation

Lastly, you can read the Push to Deploy documentation to deploy your plugin directly from your command line.

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